Articles by admin

Breaking agile: Sprint planning

In my daily work as an agile coach i have observed a wide range of wisdom pearls that all contribute to the break down of the agile mindset. Read this and the following blog entries…

Breaking agile – Sprint planning

Dette indlæg giver dig tips og tricks til at ødelægge sprint planning. I mit daglige virke som agile coach har jeg observeret en række guldkorn der alle bidrager til nedbrydning af den agile tankegang. Følg…

Breaking agile: Daily standup

In my daily work as an agile coach i have observed a wide range of wisdom pearls that all contribute to the break down of the agile mindset. Read this and the following blog entries…

Breaking agile – Daily Standup

I mit daglige virke som agile coach har jeg observeret en række guldkorn der alle bidrager til nedbrydning af den agile tankegang. Følg med i de kommende indlæg og få flere hints til hvordan DU…

Læser du rulletekster?

Hvorfor er det at alle tv-udsendelser og film skal afsluttes med alen lange rulletekster der beskriver holdet bag produktionen? I weekenden var jeg alene hjemme og afholdte Netflix maraton. Det var en hyggelig aften og…

Spil dig til mere viden

Det er velkendt at spil og involvering fører til hurtigere og mere intens læring hos børn, men virker det også for voksne? Efter min mening er svaret entydig: ja! De seneste par år har jeg…

Sprint planning framework

In the following I’ll describe a way of adopting story points and also how to put them into a context that have been tried in “real life”. The framework is very generic and should be…

User stories does not work

People doing Scrum-like methods often decline the story point terminology due to “our requirements are not transformable into user stories because of…”-reasons. My typical response is to ask them “ok, but as long as you…

Agile manifesto and common sense?

Every time I perform a Kanban or Scrum training session, I introduce them to the agile manifesto. This has been defacto in the training material for a couple of years now, but lately I’ve been…

Making virtual teams work

Todays IT business involves a lot of distributed work, i.e. working in teams that are not located in the same world. This restriction puts a strain on the term “team” as the people interaction is…