Articles by admin

Design for stable teams, ok?!

Introducing the concept of stable delivery teams in an organisation can be hard. Especially if the concept is new to both employees and management. Creating the team structure and getting buyin for the change might…

Scaling with Scrum and Shape Up

I was recently involved in a scaling exercise where the current setup of two experienced teams were to evolve into three. At the same time the goal was to increase autonomy and empower the development…

Killing agile

The adoption rate for agility inside and outside the software industry is at an exponential growth. I observe that more and more corporate consultancies are gaining ground in the market and more and more enterprise…

Organizational retrospective

Once an organization have existed for a longer period (6-12 months) it may prove valuable to stop and perform an organizational retrospective, i.e. take a holistic approach to the good and bad things occurring daily….

Skaber din Product Owner nok værdi?

En Product Owner er en essentiel del af et Scrum Team. Rollen er skabt til at maksimere værdien af det arbejde som teamet leverer. Det kan implementeres på mange måder, men hvordan sikrer man at…

From idea to prototype in 1 day?

What would be the best way to take a whole-team approach to creating a prototype, refining and planning a Sprint? I’d say a hackathon. Read on to learn more. Before we start, let’s define what…

Selv-ledelse versus medarbejderledelse

For nyligt afholdte Kristian Haugaard og jeg et indlæg for en gruppe HR-ledere i Aarhus. Det har efterfølgende givet anledning til refleksion hos mig: Hvilke elementer, der traditionelt hører hjemme hos enten en HR afdeling…