
Visualizing spikes

One of the key elements of working with agile frameworks is the ability to create transparency by visualizing the work taken on by the team. In well-known settings the team refines work to a state…

The agile leader in all of us

Agile leadership is a mindset that applies to many roles in an organization e.g. Scrum Master, Department Manager, Agile Coach, Product Owner, etc. All of us could benefit from taking a stand on how we…

Relationship Between Agile and Scrum

Did you know that it is possible to perform Scrum without being Agile – and being Agile is not about following Scrum?  Many falsely assume that they are Agile simply since they perform Scrum in…

Agile frameworks offers 3 kinds of services

The three services: Fixed ScopeFixed Cost Fixed Deadline But you can pick only two Fixed scope and fixed cost won’t give you a fixed deadlineFixed cost and fixed Deadlines won’t give you fixed scopeFixed deadlines…

Story points – a tool for better planning

Traditional exhaustive estimation sessions are on the rebound within development teams. They have started adopting relative measures, known as Story Points, in order to become more effective in the estimation session and more precise in…

SAFety goggles

Many experts have previously written about the challenges seen in the market when scaling agile using official frameworks. Doing a simple job search online, I find a steady increase in the number of postings for…

Transparent operation and service management

Kanban has proven to be a valuable tool for introducing and performing operations management in self-organizing service, development and maintenance teams throughout many organizations The history of operations management started over 7,000 years ago. In…

Work smarter, not faster

Transforming an organisation from taylorism into teams is always an exciting challenge. As an agile coach you might have a mental blue print or model of where you want to end up and how you…

Design for stable teams, ok?!

Introducing the concept of stable delivery teams in an organisation can be hard. Especially if the concept is new to both employees and management. Creating the team structure and getting buyin for the change might…