
Making Nexus work

I have been involved in a series of experiments and most recently a large scale initiative with Nexus as the backbone. Nexus is a scaling framework for enabling multiple Scrum teams to work together. It…

Feature Toggles

Back in 2007 I wrote an article on how to prepare your code for refactoring without tampering with legacy code that needs to remain intact. Recently I have found that this design pattern may be useful for…

Experimenting with Nexus

Scaled agile and frameworks for managing Scrum across multiple teams have been trending for the past couple of years. Some of them with more adminitrative overhead than others. At Bankdata I am involved in an…

Building great teams

Last year I worked with Danske Bank shaping a workshop building a Team House focusing on building great – high performing – teams. The workshop establishes a team house based on the purpose, principles, values…

What happens after Scrum?

  At Scrumday 2017 held in Simcorp I presented parts of the work that I have been involved in and the thoughts that follows an agile transformation. On a personal level – the journey with…

Første møde i MACH

I går afholdte vi første møde i Midtjysk Agile Coach Hangout (MACH). Der var stor entusiasme og tilslutning til mødet som blev afholdt hos Bankdata.  På mødet blev der networket, talt fremtid for netværket samt…