
What happens after Scrum?

  At Scrumday 2017 held in Simcorp I presented parts of the work that I have been involved in and the thoughts that follows an agile transformation. On a personal level – the journey with…

FAPOITA – scaling agile at Bankdata

Since 2015 Bankdata has been subject to one of the largest agile transformations in the history of Danish software industry. Over a period of 1.5 years we have adopted Scrum in over 100 teams and…

Agile caveats

Working with a wide range of teams adopting agile, I’ve looked into what are the common pitfalls or caveats for a coach when starting up. The information I present here is mainly gathered from system…

History of “agile”

The term “agile” is a widely used term both in the real world and in software development. But what does it actually mean? Let’s dig in: According to the Merriam-Webster’s thesauraus the word “agile” means…

30 års jubilæum

Det er nu snart 2 måneder siden at jeg startede i Bankdata som agil coach – og jeg må sige at De alle fortjener et klap på skulderen. Inden min tiltrædelse havde jeg læst meget…

What Defines a Great Team?

In training sessions, we normally focus on the team in a single separate session over multiday courses. This is not enough for anyone to get deep insights into the theory and practice of improving teams….

Efterladt på en togstation

War story fra large-scale udrulning af Agile i enterprise miljø Det hele startede for et par år siden hvor en gruppe direktører blev overbevist om at Agile og Scrum var det nye sort. De havde…

Agile Conference @ Danske Bank

Jeg har i længere tid gået med tanken om at afholde en intern konference om agilitet på mit arbejde. For ca. 6 måneder siden fik jeg “grønt lys” til at arrangere en event med et…

Doing Scrum or being agile?

Did you know that it is possible to perform Scrum without being Agile – and being Agile is not about following Scrum?I recently participated in a discussion about the differences between the two concepts: Agile…

Kører du Scrum eller er du agil?

Ved du at man kan være agil uden at køre Scrum – og at det også er muligt at køre Scrum uden at være agil? Jeg deltog fornylig i en diskussion omkring forskellen mellem de…