SAFe PI Planning

Tuesday and Wednesday the whole program working on “Optimisation of loan processes” was gathered at Silkeborg Stadium in Denmark to participate in SAFe PI Planning. During the two days teams focused on forecasting, uncovering dependencies and coordination of prioritities.

10 teams from the 4 locations of the program was gathered along with Product Owners, management, business people and steering groups to make way for the coming 10 weeks of work. The event marked the beginning of the experiment with SAFe as a framework for executing complex programs in Bankdata. We have worked closely with the central process department in Bankdata to train the participants in their roles, events and artefacts to help creating transparency and have focus on value creation through the whole program.

I have made two videoes telling about the size and value of the event (see below – video is in Danish but with English subtitles):

Tirsdag og onsdag var hele programmet ”Optimering af låneprocesser” samlet på Silkeborg Stadion for at deltage i SAFe PI Planning. Her blev der forecastet, afdækket afhængigheder samt koordineret prioriteter.

10 teams fra programmets 4 lokationer var samlet med Product Owners, ledere, fagspecialister samt styregrupper for at bane vejen for arbejdet de kommende 10 uger. Eventen er samtidig startskuddet på eksperimentet med SAFe som rammeværk for eksekvering af komplekse programmer i Bankdata. I tæt samarbejde med den centrale metodeafdeling har vi arbejdet med at uddanne alle deltagere i programmet i roller, events og artefakter der er med til at skabe transparens og fokus på værdiskabelse på tværs af hele programmet.

Jeg har lavet to videoer der fortæller lidt om størrelsen på eventen samt hvilken værdi det skaber at samle så mange mennesker i to dage:

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